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In The Name of Allah

Author Wakeel Allah
ISBN 1599162008
A History of Clarence 13X and The Five Percenters is the first definitive history every written about this powerful youth movement. Thousands of young Blacks and Latinos have pledged allegiance to the philosophy of the Five Percenters. Their influence has permeated throughout the streets of urban America, the school system, rap music and the penal institutions. The origins of the Five Percenters can be traced to its founder the late Clarence 13X Smith a.k.a. "Allah." A former member of Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam, he studied under Minister Malcolm X at the Harlem Mosque in the early 60's. He left the organization and subsequently founded a youth movement based on the core doctrine of the NOI and his own lessons referred to as "Supreme Mathematics" and "Supreme Alphabets."
Price: $43.50
Vol. 1 a History of Clarence 13x and the Five Percenters.
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