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Battling Prostate Cancer

Author Marvin Andrew McMickle
ISBN 0817014608
Getting from "Why Me" to "What Next" - "I hope many men will take advantage of this wealth of information from a man who has turned vulnerability into strength." --Benjamin S. Carson Sr., M.D., Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, the John Hopkins Hospital. As a prostate cancer survivor himself, McMickle provides others with sound advice, both medical and spiritual, so that they, too, can be equipped to battle this disease. He discloses the latest medical research while challenging readers to overcome issues of fear, denial, and embarrassment. He also cites such nationally known prostate cancer survivors as Robert DeNiro, Colin Powell, and John Kerry. Bible-based meditations are intended to enable readers to bring their faith to bear in the battle.
Price: $13.00
Getting from "Why Me" to "What Next"
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